TKIL Industries Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known as thyssenkrupp Industries India Pvt. Ltd.)
TKIL Industries Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known as thyssenkrupp Industries India Pvt. Ltd.)
Vertical Continuous Pan (tkVCP)
- High efficiency due to all stages being performed in more vessels.
- Improvement in product quality due to reduction in conglomerate and false grain formation.
- Provision of by-passing any cell in the event of maintenance. Entire unit need not be halted.
- Low energy consumption.
- High purity syrup is easy to process.
- Incrustation doesn't occur since cells are vertically arranged.
- No mixing of massecuite from one cell to other. Therefore, good yield.
- Less floor space required.
- All cells are provided with mechanical circulator and get added advantage of improved circulation.
- Fully automatic operation.
Range – Custom made solution to handle A, B & C massecuite.